I did a beautiful Womb Journey yesterday with Carly Akara and it was beyond incredible. So much was released and Carly is so gentle and nurturing. I couldn’t recommend her work more.
The womb work we did in the deep winter in a liminal space was so divine – unique and beautifully and sensitively held. I can testify this is a profound, deepening, and illuminating session that continues to be so healing for me and I imagine would be for anyone called to explore.
My inner journey began with a friend handing me Conversations with God in 1999. I read the whole book in one sitting on a beach in Melbourne. As I read the words: ‘If not you, who? If not now, when?’ something exploded inside me. You know when you have been called. It was not until meeting my spiritual teacher Mooji in 2008 that I experienced a spontaneous awakening. We might say, in one moment in a park, I stumbled into the undivided, timeless nature of reality.
I walked in parks in a state of bliss. I sat for hours beneath trees. For years, I was immersed in a silence so beautiful. But it was difficult to relate to people. And there was childhood trauma that had never integrated… this made my beyond-the-body state preferable. Gradually, insistently, there was a calling to integrate the awakening back into the ground of my human experience. This meant being willing to re-land in my body and meet everything with compassion, no stone left unturned.

Upcoming Events
Rose Codes Workshops
I share the mysteries of the Rose Lineage and the beautiful light codes woven into the Aramaic language of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. We explore this lineage, its secrets, its wisdom, and the love and compassion that it unlocks inside the heart. Gradually as we move and pray, sound and chant, we polish and strengthen our energetic field so that more beauty and vitality shines through.
This path also asks for radical compassion, and that we meet our pain and our humanity with care. I’ve heard Mary Magdalene, as a guiding presence, call this the path of ‘no stone left unturned.’ It takes courage to face ourselves and walking this path has called on me to integrate my shadows and to be honest with limitations. During workshops, we may share together in safe confidential space, we may explore our human layers together. And as we move deeper inside, embracing our humanness, perhaps there is an corresponding expansion into our Soul, its wisdom and purpose. We may experience feeling held and guided by spirit, by the elders of this lineage, and by our intuitive Soul voice. The invitation of the Rose lineage is to bring the unique expression of our Soul through our embodied humanity.

Akashic Soul Readings
Welcome to the Akashic Record
Entering the mystery of the Akasha, we find ourselves naked, face-to-face with the Selves we always knew we could be. It’s like looking into a mirror that reflects our greatness. We glimpse the extent of our human capabilities, retrieve the wisdom of past lives and glean the deeper purpose of our Souls.
What blocks us? Where are we going? How can we more fully express the gifts that we are? All these questions are answerable. Not in an elevated cosmic way. An Akashic Reading grounds its insights in the body. The Akashic guides speak in plain, kind words that our ears have been longing to hear. Their healing energy gently re-tunes, and flows back along ancestral lines, cleaning old threads, so we stand rooted in our ancestral wisdom, shining as the brilliance of our Soul inheritance.
Womb Work
A space to explore together, to allow the undoing of all that is no longer in service to integrity, sovereignty, true feminine wisdom. We journey through the inner maps and landscapes of the Womb discovering her voice, exploring her many qualities and listening to her messages. We align with the vitality and knowing that is inherent in our female bodies and our wombs. She is the unique bodily matrix through which weave, intuit and create as women.
Our womb holds the imprint of all we have carried along our ancestral lines, alongside the seeds of our potential as we birth ourselves anew as authentic, embodied women. We can release the karma and re-write the womb template that we are living from. Creating from joy and renewed life-energy, the over-spilling of inherent radiance, rather than creating from cyclical patterns.