Wise Woman’s Ways Retreat

Hidden Paradise 18418 Cáñar, Granada, Cáñar, Granada

Wise Woman's Ways Retreat We warmly invite you to join [...]

Songs of the Beloved

We will work with a different song, a prayer and [...]


True Lilith Rising

A Workshop for Women unafraid to meet the deepest parts [...]


Easter Mysteries

Easter Mysteries Magdalene and Jesus Anointing, initiation and the bridal [...]

£30.00 – £50.00

Magdalene Birthing Temple

We connect with the 'zone of choice' - the place we visit as Souls before incarnating to decide the details of our lives.  We'll connect with our moment of birth, sensing why we chose our families and our circumstances of birth.  We'll make a commitment to our Celestial  Soul, and to incarnating fully, in order to birth in our lives the beauty of our Soul

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